Friday, January 14, 2011

Debut issue of Jimmy & O'Brien Comics

I know digital comics are all the rage right now, so here is a day and date release (with commentary) of Jimmy & O'Brien #1.

The retail variant cover.  Lex didn't want to charge anything for it, because we were making it for Mommy, but I figured we would try to recoup our costs.  That's O'Brien in the upper right hand corner.  Signed by both the artist/writer and the letterer!

Page 1:  I firmly believe in DC Comic's policy of having a splash page in the first few issues of the book.  Lex went with the stars of the book and did a fine job of capturing their essences.  That's Jimmy on the left and O'Brien on the right.  Lex dictated the story and I just lettered what I was told.

Page 2: Pandas eat apples! Well of course they do...unless...

Page 3: Lion eats all the apples! Lion is the villain in this piece I guess.  Better that he eats the apples and not the panda.

Page 4: Elephant is going back home. He's probably sick and tired of lion eating all the apples.  I couldn't find our stapler so I had to bind the book using our staple gun.  This book will last forever!

Page 5: Sheeps go to Maine.  For vacation?  Lex decided to try his hand at lettering here, so I added a caption to the book so one wouldn't be confused.  Hannibal served as model for the sheep here.  As he did with the splash page, Lex got his friends and posed them so he could draw them.

Page 6: The dolphin tries to save the whale.  Lex got experimental here which is very impressive with his first comic book.  He was obviously heavily influenced by both Diego's Ultimate Rescue League (which was playing while we created) for the material and manga for the format.  This layout makes more sense if you read it right to left, so here's...

Page 7: This whale goes into an oil spill.  Here we are introduced to the whale and see the danger that the whale has gotten himself into.  

Page 8: Credits

So there you folks!  The debut issue of Jimmy & O'Brien.

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