Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Legion of Super-Pet Friends

Like most kids, my children have a fascination with stuffed animals.  This fascination ranges from one extreme (Gigi) to the other (Loki).  Gigi has close to 100 stuffed animals that she has collected over the years.  They live on her bed, under bed and for a time over her bed in a hammock that we constructed.  She has names for them all and has separated them into families.  She has her favorite (the aptly named Brown Dog-a 2001 Seadog Beanie Baby) who goes everywhere with her.  Loki (despite our best efforts) doesn't have a favorite.  She has a handful of friends (Mxyzptlk, Iris, Harvey, Ni Hao Kai Lan and Lotso Bear) who populate her crib, but her favorites (as of this post-it will change) are her Toy Story Woody and Jesse.

Smack dab in the middle of the stuffed animal spectrum is Lex and his Legion of Super-Pet Friends.  His small band of friends is heavily influenced by his parent's pop culture sensibilities (as are Loki's-Harvey is named after the Rabbit from the Jimmy Stewart film and Mxyzptlk is a trickster in the Superman comics.  Sense a theme?).  Here are the current members of the Legio of Super-Pet Friends:

Chewbacca- Chewie is a 2007 Super Deformed Plush.  He comes with a bandoleer, complete with a little Velcro pocket.  A fairly recent addition to the LOSPF, Lex tells me Chewie's the fighter of the group and that he knows Darth Vader.  

Ace- Ace is a Mary Meyer Petey Pup.  He has two siblings that also live us.  Loki and Gigi have a brown and tan version.  Ace is named for Batman's canine sidekick and he has a lot of his mentor's abilities.  Lex tells me Ace is the martial arts expert of the team and also owns a boat and likes doing puzzles.

Nemo- Nemo was a gift from Uncles Kevin & Brent.  Originally part of the Dream Disney Splasmates Bath Set, Nemo has found new purpose as a member of the LOSPF.  Nemo is the team's Aquaman analogue and is the only friend who is allowed to take baths with Lex.

Richard Parker- Mister Parker is a 2008 Animal Adventure Tiger.  Richard Parker is named for the tiger in Yann Martel's Life of Pi.  Richard Parker has the super power of flight.  When asked if he had a super roar as a power, I was told he did not.

Hannibal- Hannibal is a 2006 Precious Moments lamb.  Hannibal gets her name from Silence of the Lambs.  The only female member of the LOSPF, Hannibal appears to be a hacker or at least have the ability to erase any digital trail she may leave, because I can't find her online.  Lex tells me she has super strength and the ability to leap great distances.

Bolt- Bolt was a Disney Movie Rewards prize.  Bolt is the star of the Disney movie of the same name.  Lex's Bolt has the same powers (Superbark, Zoom Zoom, super strength and Laser Eyes) as his movie namesake.

Jimmy & O'Brien- Jimmy is a Douglas Bongo Monkey and O'Brien is an Imperial Toys plush (long since discontinued and only available at "junk stores" in Maine).  The Boys (all you comic fans are horrified) are the Superman and Batman of the LOSPF.  Jimmy is named for Jimmy Olsen and O'Brien is named after O'Brien of Monkeyman and O'Brien.  O'Brien is the brains of the outfit and Jimmy is Lex's all-time favorite.  Both have the innate monkey ability to climb.

The LOSPF are currently fighting BAD GUYS in the living room (and doing it quite loudly), but have been known to just have quiet nights.  Last Friday was Bolt's birthday party and the LOSPF invited all of Loki's friends and my two friends, Sparky (my SPF from when I was a kid) and Godzilla.  The party was interrupted by the appearance of a DUPLO dragon, but Godzilla was able to calm things down before any real trouble broke out.